Tuesday, 18 November 2014

How I got rid of my psoriasis without drugs or potions!

I have had a very bad flare up of scalp psoriasis since about February this year. Having never had it before I found the condition to be quite debilitating. I felt horrible with such flaky skin and I was constantly wearing a hat to hide the dandruff-like appearance of my hair. It was my second flare (last November was the first one) but this time I was decided to take a difference approach. The first time I followed the dogma and went to my GP who sent me to a dermatologist, who prescribed cortisone creams and other drugs and it went away...for a while.  

This time I did a bit of my own research. I had never been diagnosed with eczema or psoriasis before. I really wanted to know how and why it would just appear. So I read up about the gut brain connection and auto immune disorders. I decided I was going to trial following the Auto Immune protocol. What is that? It is a way of cutting out all possible inflammatory food products from your diet then slowly re-introducing them. It’s better to read up on it from the experts such as The Paleo Mom, Mickey Trescott or (a similar approach) the Wahls Protocol. A basic summary is that auto immune diseases are linked to a leaky gut. This just means you have holes in your digestive system causing things to leak out and this can cause inflammation. But you are better off reading the real science behind it from these experts. (I’ve just listened to a great interview with Dr Sarah Ballantyne, The Paleo Mom, on one of my (many) favourite podcasts – if that is more your thing!)

So, I stopped eating grains, dairy, nuts, seeds, eggs and plants from the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes and paprika among others). I just went cold turkey from day 1 although I was already near 100% gluten free and had trialled dairy free in the past. It also means no processed food, artificial colours, flavours, chemicals. It is pretty hard work because everything you eat needs to be made from scratch but its REAL food.

The protocols and recommendations all say that you need to exclude everything to give your gut the chance to heal and repair (plug up those leaky holes!) I worked out within the first few days there were three main things I was going to struggle with. Coffee, alcohol and chocolate. Yes, I know, it’s not very good. But I was subscribing a little to the theory that I shouldn’t be too hard on myself and I was also doing this protocol at the same time as I was starting my first pain management course so I didn’t want to put myself under too much stress and pressure! I thought that surely a small compromise could be made if I didn’t appear to have any adverse symptoms by keeping it in my diet and also by allowing myself a small “cheat”/”reward” maybe I was going to be more likely to stick to the rest of the exclusions. So, sadly, I did continue to have a daily coffee – predominantly with soy. And I did eat a bit of dark chocolate...and some days, I struggle around dinner time with dealing with pain and tiredness and...well, I just like a glass of wine.  But let me make it clear this is NOT the recommendation, it was how I dealt with it at the time.

Some other things may have creeped in there inadvertently as I progressed. Eating out was a problem (near impossible) and so I would just to go with the flow sometimes resulting in being a little slack on following the protocol. But mostly I did eat at home, made everything myself and was pretty good (I thought) at sticking with it.

I'm afraid I don't have a before picture -
but trust me you wouldn't have wanted to see it!
But here is me checking my scalp and
enjoying my healthy, shiny (flake-free) locks!
Now for the good news...I have been following the above approach for over 8 weeks now and I am feeling really energised and happy. I am not craving sugary foods or even really missing the foods I am not supposed to eat. I am just enjoying the lovely fresh healthy nutrient dense foods I can eat.  I have slowly started to re-introduce foods and don’t seem to be having much reaction to eggs, nuts or seeds and am being a bit more open with the alternative grains but being consistent with wheat/dairy free and sticking to a nutrient-dense wholefoods approach.  

And as for the psoriasis, my skin is alot less dry, it is even become more supple (I am also daily applying coconut oil to my skin). My scalp isn’t flaking away and my hair is looking healthy so I believe it is going, going, gone!? So for those of you out there with an auto immune disease, maybe do a little research and give something a try, what’s holding you back...? The results could be amazing! I am expecting (hoping) to receive a barrage of questions now so please, fire away....

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates